Monthly Analysis

US$25.00 every month

This type of reading shows the 'weather' during the month. Reading is approximately 30 minutes.

Lunar Return

Can be done every month but when you purchase this, it is for one month!

What we look at here are possible educational or personal opportunities… What might trip you up for the month.

We will look at the Spotlight, what is Grounding, the Driving Force and The Stage for your month’s analysis.

Pre-requisite: A Foundation Reading

What is Human Design?


This type of reading shows the 'weather' during the month. Reading is approximately 30 minutes.

Lunar Return

Can be done every month but when you purchase this, it is for one month!

What we look at here are possible educational or personal opportunities… What might trip you up for the month.

We will look at the Spotlight, what is Grounding, the Driving Force and The Stage for your month’s analysis.

Pre-requisite: A Foundation Reading

What is Human Design?

This type of reading shows the 'weather' during the month. Reading is approximately 30 minutes.

Lunar Return

Can be done every month but when you purchase this, it is for one month!

What we look at here are possible educational or personal opportunities… What might trip you up for the month.

We will look at the Spotlight, what is Grounding, the Driving Force and The Stage for your month’s analysis.

Pre-requisite: A Foundation Reading

What is Human Design?