How it all started
Hello 💚 My name is Katielyn, I’m from Canada.
It wasn’t always my plan to be a psychic or energy worker. I went to university, got a degree in accounting and went and managed my dad’s business for him. Up until my mid twenties, my only experience with anything of this nature was a Hollywood rundown version of what a card reader (Tarot) was. I actually didn’t even have any friends or family who practiced so I had no peer pressure around me to see if it was something I enjoyed.
What I’m getting at is: I was a skeptic. I used to ask questions like “What college of personality manipulation did that person go to, to be able to read people?”. I announced to people I was Atheist.
I completely ignored this whole world of energy, not because I wanted to but because I didn’t know it existed. I was never educated on the difference between Religion and being Spiritual.
One day, during a guided Yoga session. I had a little intuitive push (or thought) of “I wonder what this chi/qi is? I’ve heard it helps people feel better”. Being very disappointed in my doctor’s fight for my health, I turned to research this way of making myself feel better. I believe that was a March. By November of that year I had researched enough to see that everything I read, led back to the ideals of the Buddhist religion. I got angry. I shut all my books and research down. I wasn’t going to be changing from my religion I was raised as, just to go to another religion. I was very angry at a God, that I didn’t believe in (due to a tragic experience). Why would I want to switch religions? I ended my journey there. Or so I thought. I was going through a bad breakup in December. I was at work, crying. I felt safe there. I was always alone, so I kept the doors locked… always!! We were in the creepy part of town. This particular day of crying, a beautiful lady came into my office, as if the doors weren’t locked and told me all about how she experienced a bad breakup too and used Reiki to help her move forward. I felt really called to listen to her advice! My mom was up to her ears in kids because of the holidays, so I sought help elsewhere. A friend’s wife happened to know Reiki and was willing to accept me January 4th. That day changed everything. I felt like I was on cloud 9, my blood was buzzing. I felt tingly. I needed to know what Reiki was and how could I learn it myself?! (This Reik Practitioner also gave me a book that day, that changed my life! Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith - I learned through that book I was allowed to say “Yes” and “No”. Seems basic? I know…). February, I learned Reiki. March I learned a ton of different things and one of those “things” was a pivotal experience of learning how to “Journey” during Shamanic drumming. That day, I had my first connection to the other side with Spirit. I saw spirit. I ugly cried - lol. It was life altering and great. By June i was immersed fully in wanting to learn everything divination about the energy world. I clearly stated, and I now laugh “I am going to do this psychic journey, without Spirit”. Lol, I thought I could be logical only about it - sorry guys, Spirit is a part of the package! I tried Tarot, honestly, because of it’s complexity, I didn’t resonate with it. I wanted to learn how to divinate with crystals, I decided. I searched for a few months online about what gemstone divination is. I looked at Lithomancy, Runes but nothing called to me. I gave up again. One fine and not-so-coincidental-at-all day, I walked into our, now non-existent, metaphysical store. I went right to the book shelf (my fav. section). Pulled out a book. This is the day I found the book that made everything click for my gemstone readings that you see today.
You can see within my “about me” section, that I have many certifications in the energy world. What does this even mean? It just means that I’ve followed certain procedures and protocols to be able to announce those titles about myself. It doesn’t make me any better or lesser than the other experienced psychics around. A person doesn’t need these certifications at all to be able to be spiritual and experienced! I do, however, feel all of my training has been important to getting me here today but Chios Healing, ThetaHealing and Reiki are the 3 big eye openers for me in my journey. I will eventually publish a book with all of these exact timings and raw experiences, as I’ve journaled the first 3 years of my journey. I wrote things down there so I didn’t express my “crazy” to all the 100% non believers and nay sayers around me. It’s pretty raw stuff as I didn’t expect any other eyes to see it!
Honestly, before Twitch, I refused to take selfies, get on webcam and was extremely shy when a recording went live. During my course of getting my business started up locally, I actually made a business plan that: I want no overhead costs of a store; and, I want it to be online because I want to travel. I started creating my website and my services I wanted to make more e-friendly. Once I got that all sorted after a 4 year venture I decided I was ready to have an “IRL” or in real life experience for my business. I was ready to be seen online after being local for several years and not liking it. A few suggestions were made, I didn’t respond to going those ways. One week later, a friend I invited over to game, was streaming Twitch inside my house. I never responded so deeply to something so unknown. This was Feb 23rd 2019. He told me about the program Streamlabs (but no tutorial), I took it from there. I was streaming Feb 25th 2019! Because I was a new streamer, never watched streams before… I had a LOT to learn. Photoshop, emote making, content creating, socials, discord, commands, moderators and the list just goes on. It was some fun education though! Because of this, I had to learn HOW I wanted to be as a streamer. I was drawn to the ASMR section as I didn’t know a psychic community existed on Twitch. This is where I made my home and grew. My streams and content I deliver are keeping in mind that people are listening to it for relaxation and possible to even sleep. I struggled, at first, doing ASMR and psychic stuff together so I had to separate them and bring them back together. A very logical process such as streaming - stat checking, frame and sound watching, keeping up with chat and actually delivering content + being in the creative mind for psychic stuff: it took a lot of practice.
Gemstones/Pendulum, People’s auras, Animal Totems, Oracle Cards & Human Design
Spirit has led me down a different path. I invite you to do the same. Just because everyone else is doing it, it doesn’t mean you have to! There are so many ways you can play in a unique way! If you don’t resonate with it - move on!! At the end of the day, we are all working with the same universal energy.
If people keep on telling you, you’re really good at something.. You eventually hear it. My community locally and specifically my Thetahealing teacher commits to empowering business owners of the energy world to monetize. It was more of a belief system that she imposed onto her clients but I realized once I was deep into this journey, it IS actually what I wanted. I did want to help others but not necessarily the same way she was helping her clients.
People around me always called me smart but that is about all I remember about that aspect of my childhood. I don’t remember imaginary friends or an extraordinary events happen. So I will say no. A tragic event at the age of 22 set my psychic self into high gear. A sick body sent me in the direction of energy and the two clicked.
I like to explain the process of using your psychic skills as the same thing as a singer. We all know Beyonce rocks the show. She’s a natural. Even she practices and has vocal coaches. At the same time, there’s vocalists who are kind of terrible and should just keep their singing in shower - like myself! And then we just have a generic population of people who are good singers. Psychics: some are terrible, most are in the generic population but some are naturals. Every level of psychic, good or bad, requires practice.
Psychic skills require attention and focus. They won’t atrophy. I practice daily now, sometimes for hours… sometimes for 10 minutes. Even if those 10 minutes are self-care as it raises your vibration. I started practicing and researching in 2012.
Every day, I learn something new about myself!!
kay-tee-lynne is how you pronounce my name, spelled Katielyn. I thought I was cool in grade 10 (2002), using it as my X-Box handle (replacing the “atie” of my name, with “80” or “eighty”)
My goal is to empower people so they only need themselves in their journey (ie, no spiritual leaders for teachings etc).
I became a full-time streamer Nov. 2nd, 2020