Exploring your Family Penta

Receiving this experience is designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics of your birth family or your current Pentas. It will help you recognize how internalized conditioning pressures impact your sense of self, as well as current relationships. By understanding your Penta dynamics, and realizing how your Family Penta was structured, you can discover acceptance and compassion, and let go of conditioned shame and blame.

Penta dysfunction can sift down through generations to cause stress in the here and now. When we examine Penta roles in our birth family, we can recognize conditioning patterns that we have become identified with, or identified as needing from others. Working through our Family Penta helps us to understand the way the mind has turned life into a problem, that must follow a pattern to achieve specific results.

Family is not inherently good nor bad, but for most of us, it is a significant part of our life. Family Penta take us away from our individual lives, and yet the family is the foundation of raising children, our communities, our societies. Recognizing that who we are as individuals is different than when we are in our Family Penta, can be a shattering revelation. When we learn these dynamics and can recognize how they operated in our childhood, we can begin to see how they impact our present life as well.

  • You don’t NEED exact birth time but it IS beneficial. It still can be a valuable experience. We will use 12 noon. The truth is, if you don't have an accurate birth time, you'll never know their entire design.

  • Yes. I recommend that you use your birth family as the foundation for understanding Penta dynamics. Our birth Penta is our formative experience, and most deep-seated conditioning, about family. It shapes and colors the way we function in our adult families, in our workgroups, and our social lives.

    The desire to 'fix' your present family group is often rooted in an attempt not to repeat your parent's mistakes or to recreate your pleasant childhood experience within your current family. Neither approach will work, as every family Penta is unique; no two group experiences are ever the same. The inner work of Family Penta is to realize and become aware of what is the family structure, not what it should be or could be if wishes come true. The work is to discover how you can function uniquely inside and out of Penta groups. The value of Family Penta work is in the experience of awareness and acceptance, and the discovery of a deeper appreciation for your self.

  • The value of looking at your past is in finding the threads of the fabric of your present. Many of our mental expectations and drives for results in our lives arise from our birth family conditioning. We often have big feelings about our formative family that we'd rather keep submerged. The difficulty is that when a situation is similar enough to our birth Penta dynamics, those feelings will leak out, often in our present Penta groups.

  • Yes. Active experimentation with strategy and Inner Authority is the basis for all exploration in Human Design. Knowing how our past affects our present in groups, our awareness can help us be free of this conditioning and gain compassion for the groups around you. You've been asked, invited, initiated, and informed that you’re ready.